Web 3.0My Technologies


 What is Web 3.0?

Web 3.0 is still in its development stage. Therefore, there is no universally accepted definition. However, we can say that there is a new version of the internet based on the blockchain system, which is planned to be implemented in the future. This technology, which we can call the third generation of the internet, uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. In this way, it has the ability to understand, interpret, categorize, create and share better content the content it collects, just like a human. Imagine, you learn from machines what the photo you will post on your social media account will look like. Or machines create comments about the movie you watch. In fact, there are currently some programs that use this technology. Apple's virtual assistant Siri or Amazon's virtual assistant Alexa can detect users' voice commands and provide them with the most accurate information.

Another example is Wolfram Alfa. This information engine, which uses artificial intelligence technologies, can calculate search terms, unlike Google. In other words, instead of listing the most relevant web pages related to the searched concept, it presents the data related to that concept to the user in a numerical form.

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