JQuery is an open source Javascript library developed by John Resig in 2006 and currently developing by a large JQuery team.
Jquery: The Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library
Code Sharing & Version Control System
Gitlab is a web -based git warehouse management application. Continuous integration, continuous delivery, error recording, code review and Viki support. As of August 2017, it is developed by 171 team members in 31 different countries. In addition, more than 1200 people contributed to a total of.
The First Single Application for the Enrere Devops Lifecycle - Gitlab
"From Project Planning and Source Code Management to CI/CD and Monitoring, Gitlab is a Complete Devops Platform…
Postgresql is a database management system that uses the relationship model for databases and supports the SQL standard query language. Postgresql is also a Database Management System with safe and wide features. It works on almost all UNIX or UNIX derivative operating systems.
Postgresql: The World's Most Advanced Open Source Database
Postgresql is a powerful, Open Source Object-Relational Database System with Over 30 Years of Active Development that…
Web server
NGİNX; It is a web server designed with high simultaneous working capability, high performance and low memory use. It can also be used as an inverse proxy server, load balancing and HTTP captain.
Unit-1.11.0 Version Has Been Released, Featuring Static Content Support, Application Namespace Isolation, and Support…
API test tool
Postman is the tool used to share, test, prepare and monitor APIs.
Software language
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor is produced for the internet, server -sided, very wide -use, general purpose, script and programming language that can be buried in HTML. The development of the PHP, which was created by Rasmus Lerdorf for the first time in 1995, is carried out by the PHP community today.
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
Fast, Flexible and Pragmatic, Php Powers Everyshing from your blog to the Most Popular Websites in the World.
Redis is a data structure server. Open source, memory use, key-value warehouse. Redis means “remote dictionary server .. The most commonly used key-value database according to various sources. Since June 2015, it has been supported by Redis Labs.
Redis is an Open Source (BSD Licensed), In-Memory Data Structure Store, USED AS A DATABASE, CACHE AND MESSAGE BROKER…
Search service
Elasticsearch is a search engine based on the Lucene library. It provides a multi -users talented full text search engine distributed with the HTTP web interface and JSON documents that do not contain schema. Elasticsearch was developed with Java.
Elasticsearch: Restful, Distributed Search & Analytics | Elastic
Distributed, Open Source Search and Analytics Engine Design for Horizontal Scalability, Reliability, and Easy…
Continuous integration / CI
Jenkins is a free and open source automation server written with Java. Jenkins helps to automate the non -human part of the software development process by facilitating the technical aspects of continuous integration and continuous delivery.
Jenkins - an Open Source Automation Server Enables Developers Around the World to Reliably Build, Test, and…
Project management
Jira is a registered problem developed by Atlassian and providing error tracking and agile project management.
Jira | Issue & Project Tracking Software | Atlassian
Plan, Track, and Manage Your Agile and Software Development Projects in Jira. Customize Your Workflow, Collaborate, and…
23 -azon EC2
Cloud platform
The Amazon Elastic Information Processing Cloud allows users to rent a virtual computer that will run their computer applications, creating a central part of Amazon.com's cloud information platform Amazon Web Services.
Amazon EC2
Secure and Resizable Compute Capacity in the Cloud. Launch Applications? Amazon…
Project management
Trello is a web -based project management application. It was developed under Fog Creek Software until the Trello company was established. Trello is in the aid with Freemium as a business model and also other Fog Creek products.
Infinitely Flexible. Incredibly Easy to Use. Great mobile apps. Its free. Trello Keeps Track of Everyting, from the…
Programming language